Senior Year Winds Down

Lauren Edson, Writer

From the beginning of the school year, the senior class has been experiencing many lasts. From last first day of school to last pep rally to last performance, seniors are quickly coming to an end to this chapter in their lives. For some, they feel happiness. For others it is sadness. For Senior McKenna Robinson,

The days are going by so fast, it’s hard to wrap my mind around how quickly it’s going but the days are definitely exciting.” Senior Emma LaBudde elaborated by saying,

“These last few days are a countdown. My parents are still in denial thought!”

These final moments of high school brings many emotions to the table. For student athletes, final games can feel pretty bittersweet. As she recalled her last cheer meet, Senior Chyenne Lloyd shared,

It was crazy going out on the mats for the last time. I knew it was different than all other competitions but I didn’t think I would feel different. All I remember was looking at the other seniors, holding hands as we walked out the from behind the curtains, and moving to our spots. After that, I felt a rush go over myself like I had never felt before. It was like ‘you made it’, ‘this is it’, ‘make it the best’. And so we did.” Other athletes felt the same pressure to make their last event their best event. Senior Tyler Matysik’s last track meet is coming up and he said that,

“I can’t hold anything back and I’ll put it all on the track.”

Athletes aren’t the only ones getting emotional. Student musicians experience many of the same feelings as they perform for what could be their last time. Senior Dartagnan Her, a choir member, shared,

“I believe that the last performance is the best. The satisfaction in knowing that I have completed all of my performances, and will no longer have to perform is actually heart-warming. It is not that I dislike it, but that I know after all the hours I put into practicing, it is finally over. It is the sheer feeling of accomplishing a feat that couldn’t have been done within a single day is amazing.”

In addition to the extracurriculars, seniors have experienced many traditional and social lasts, such as their last dance. For many, it was prom. Senior Michael Rank Jr. reflected back on the night saying,

“It was really fun to dance and be goofy with my friends one last time before we graduate.”

Even though this end may be emotional, may seniors seem ready to leave the nest and embark on future endeavors. Senior Madisyn Riste explained,

“I was really sad more so in the beginning of the year, but I think I passed that point a while ago and now, I’m ready. I have plans for next year, myself, and the future and South has greatly helped me prepare those plans.”

The seniors shared a meal together at the senior banquet last night, May 21. It was here where the seniors had many laughs and were able to have one last meal as a class.

With only six more days of school left, the end will come sooner than we know it. To the Class of 2017, cherish the moments you have left and create those memories to last a lifetime. Best of luck to you and, whatever path life takes you down, know you will always be a Redwing.