The South High Cheer Team Goes Nationals Bound

The team practices for hours each day to reach their goals.
February 5, 2018
The Sheboygan South High cheerleading program is off to Florida! Our award-winning cheer team will be heading out to Orlando, Florida this week to represent South High at the National High School Cheerleading Championship. The team has attended this event in previous years and looks forward to attending again this year.

The team worked hard throughout the summer and fall preparing for competition season. The sweat and heat of the summer didn’t stop the team from pushing through practices. During the fall season, the team attended football games in support of the players, guests and South High. Winter season and/or competition season has arrived and the team is more ready than ever as they’ve attended basketball games and competitions.
Before the team members had known they were qualified for Nationals, there was a mix of emotions. Some felt as though it was nerve-wracking. Each minute that passed was rough. Practices went by and time was ticking. Even though all of that, each team member had been positive as they loved what they did every day and worked towards each day. Finally, the results came in and the team qualified for Nationals!

After finding out about this accomplishment, many team members felt a rush of relief, happiness, nervousness and more.
“I’m really excited to be going to Nationals with my team. I’m looking forward to competing against the best teams in the country and showing off our routine. Prior to finding out, we were going to nationals, I wanted to work really hard because we have a lot of people on the team that are amazing at what they do. They really deserve an opportunity like this one. After finding out we qualified, the goal is still the same, to work harder and harder every day, making each practice count, improving skills, and building confidence. This year has been a great learning experience. I learned how to throw different stunts, tumble and to believe in myself more. My coaches and teammates are very motivating, uplifting and encouraging. For that, I appreciate and love each and every one of them. This year I received more than just friends but a second family and I could never ask for more,” states Freshman Sangsuri Moua.
As for the rest of the season, the team has been competing at several competitions placing in first or second. A lot has been accomplished and there’s even more to come. Senior Lilith Riemer admits,
“For the season in general, I have high hopes for the team this year. We all have been working really hard and the amount of skill gain this year is ridiculous. Therefore, I am excited to hopefully claim our State Champion title again this year.”
Following Nationals comes another big competition to end off their season, State. Sheboygan South High had received first at State last year and may just receive first again for their hard work and dedication.
Not only are the team members highly involved, the coaches are as well. Coaches Ben Roelse and Aaron Schieble spend an enormous amount of hours guiding these Redwings. Head Coach Ben Roelse states,
“I am very proud of the team for all their hard work, accomplishments, selflessness and dedication to date. It is not easy to put differences aside and be there for each other and the benefit of the team. It is very exciting to see them hit new skills in stunting and tumbling. It will be a fun ride with them over the next month and a half.”
The South High community congratulates the cheerleading program on another astonishing accomplishment and couldn’t be any prouder. The South High community also wishes the team members luck this week as they compete for Nationals.