This afternoon Governor Scott Walker discussed the Historic K-12 Investment for Wisconsin Public Education. The 11.5 Billion dollar investment gives public school kids a headstart on the path to their future. This plan will help Wisconsin build a workforce of Wisconsin workers. In looking at post-secondary education finance, Governor Walker mentioned the recent UW System freeze and is looking for needs-based assistance
Dr. Sheehan, Superintendent of the Sheboygan Area School District, welcomes Governor Scott Walker to South High Friday, September 22nd.Governor Walker and Mark Mancl, SASD’s School Board Vice President converse in South’s main office.South High School Principal, Kevin Formolo welcomes Governor Scott Walker to Sheboygan South.Junior Jacob Royston greets Governor Walker in the Kohler | Johnsonville Advanced Technology Center.Govenor Walker presented the Historic K-12 Investment at Sheboygan South High School Friday afternoon.Govenor Walker and Senior Joseph Brunner discuss manufacturing job opportunities in Wisconsin.Assistant Superintendent of Student & Instructional Services, Seth Harvatine and South’s Technology education teacher Collin Kachel Friday afternoon.Sophomore Nicolas Bennett works and talks with SASD’s Marketing and Communications Specialist, Nicole Sondalle.Students preparing for Governor Walker’s visit and homecoming.Senior Shawn Purtell works on a horizontal band saw and talks with Nicole Sondalle.Senior Mario Biendarra talks with Governor Walker while working at a vice.Senior Joshua Peters converses with Governor Walker after a welding demonstration.Dignitaries and students converse, mingle and work.Juniors Travis (TJ) Enders and Jacob Royston converse with Governor Walker.South High Principal, Kevin Formolo points to updated facilities from the RedRaider Manufacturing remodel.Dr. Sheehan, Superintendent of the Sheboygan Area School District, introduces Governor Walker.The Historic K-12 Investment puts 11.5 billion dollars into public education. “The most ever Wisconsin has put into education” Walker said.Governor Walker shakes hands after his speechSophomore Skyelar Clark poses with Governor Walker after the Historic K-12 presentation.