Teenage Dieting
May 24, 2017
In today’s day and age, social media and the Internet make it incredibly easy to look up, or see whatever it is you want to see. Because of this many brands and other advertising companies use these platforms to push out their product. Often times in these advertisements, the people modeling the products often portray a body shape that is not easily attainable, whether it be insanely toned and muscular, an hourglass figure, or being uber skinny. In addition to this, the images seen in the media are often photoshopped, touched up, and altered. Even the supermodels and stars that people try to replicate do not even look like how they are pictured. However, with the health of America recently in question, it may not be a bad idea to use these images as inspiration for oneself to change their lifestyle habits, from eating to exercising and even sleep.
One of the first steps to improving one’s health is to begin exercising, or to increase the level of exercise in their life. When exercise is increased there are many benefits that are often overlooked that go beyond just the obvious assistance with weight loss and muscle gain. According to Mayo Clinic, “physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed.” You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. Contrary to popular belief, exercise does not actually tire you out in the long run, but rather it helps boost your endurance! Mayo Clinic went on to explain that, “exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.” If the exercise is going to mean anything, it is important to make sure your diet matches your activity levels.
This is exactly how Sophomore Meghann Tuzinkewich felt,
“If you want your diet to pay off, you need to work out with it. You can balance it by having a healthy meal after a workout session.”
Living the fast paced lifestyle that most people have today, it can be hard to choose to eat healthy. It is much easier to just grab fast food on the way home instead of making a nutrient rich meal at home. Despite many young adults and teenagers having heightened metabolisms allowing them to eat whatever they want and still maintaining a steady weight, it is not always the healthiest choice.
This rings true with a Freshman who preferred to remain unnamed,
“It wasn’t really a matter of losing weight as it was to just become healthier. Recently, two members of my family began having some health issues so it made me want to try to prevent those things happening to me too.”

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.”
It has recently become easier to keep track of diets with the emergence of apps offered on people’s cell phones.
Senior Logan Hamilton uses one and stated,
“I never really realized the unnecessary calories that I was eating until I started using MyFitnessPal. It has really helped me transform my eating habits.”
It is not necessary to completely change your eating and exercising habits to alter your lifestyle. Just choose one to start.
This is what Junior Brandon Dyken does,
“I do exercising more than dieting most of the time because trying to keep the diet part balanced is difficult.”
When it comes to changing one’s lifestyle, it is important to pick one aspect of their life, and focus on that. Do not give in to temptation, but rather push forward. In the end, it will feel incredible once the accomplishments are visible. Whether it be altering eating habits, changing levels of activity, or even sleeping more, each step counts. Make the healthy choice today!