Culinary Club Introduces New Improvements
May 23, 2017
As you make your way down the ELL/Health hallway, it is common for you to notice delicious smells wafting from Room 103. This is thanks to Chef Cathy Newport and her Culinary Arts students. South offers several Culinary Arts classes, and all are taught by Newport. In addition to the Culinary Arts classes, Newport also heads South’s Culinary Club, which is just getting off of its feet.
“Culinary Club currently serves about 10-12 students although membership has been loosely structured this year. Next year, we will lay down some formal bylaws and membership details along with more of a structured calendar to form a more cohesive club,” explained Newport. In the past year, membership in Culinary Club has fluctuated based on other commitments that students had, but Newport is hoping to avoid some of this by instilling some more structure for the 2017-2018 school year.

“I admit I have been lax about meeting times this past two years as I seek out the demand and student interest in my first 2 years as a High School teacher at South. We will be meeting on a regular basis in the upcoming year on Tuesdays directly after school. Students will be required to make the meetings in order to participate in the “fun” events we have planned which include using the Kohler Culinary Art Car at Vollrath Park on August 28th, a trip to Milwaukee Public Market and hopefully participating in culinary competitions,” she stated. In addition to using the Kohler Culinary Art Car and visiting the Milwaukee Public Market, students involved in Culinary Club will also be able to go apple picking, help out alongside professional chefs at the Kohler Food and Wine Festival, volunteer at Making Spirits Bright, and more.

Though it may sound like Chef Newport is becoming more strict, she simply wants the best for the club and its members.
“I am very excited!!” she gushed, “My advice to students looking to join the Culinary Club would be to first, taste any new foods that you have the chance to try this summer! Being enrolled in a Culinary Class is not a requirement for joining the club although being in a Culinary Class gives you lots of opportunities to cook, experiment, explore and taste. If you have questions or curiosity about joining the club, please come talk to me. I would like to think that I am very approachable and am happy to let any student join in one of our classes or attend any of our meetings to test the waters. I really feel that food is a universal language that will serve you well in any career you choose.”

Culinary Club will meet every Tuesday after school from 3:30-5 beginning on September 19, 2017. Culinary Club meetings will consist both of making food and preparing for the various events members will be participating in. In October, Chef Newport will hold a pumpkin carving contest, followed by pumpkin pie baking, a gingerbread house will be built in November. Students with all kinds of culinary backgrounds and experience levels are welcome, and for those students very interested, Culinary Arts 1 is a great starting class for beginners.