Making Spirits Bright
The Sheboygan South High Singers provide some onlookers with a burst of holiday spirit through carols and traditional Christmas songs. They performed in the Recreational Center at the Quarry on December 10th.
December 12, 2016
The holidays are in full swing and now is the perfect time to make your spirits bright. Currently, Rotary is putting on their annual lights show called, “Making Spirits Bright”, at Evergreen Park, across from the Quarry. This is a tradition that many people look forward to enjoying year after year. When the sun sets, and the lights go on, there is no other place quite like it. It has been going on since November 25th, and will continue on until December 31st, with the only exception being Christmas Eve—they will be closed. The lights are up and running from 5:00 – 9:00 PM. It is truly a sight that can not be missed.

Admission to get into the show is free, however according to Rotary’s website, “Pantry item donations, collected in the park, are requested. The Sheboygan County Food Bank will distribute to local food pantries. Cash donations support future growth of this event and, as possible, are donated to non-profits.”
The cash donations help, and their wonderful effects are not in question. Six different local non-profit organizations were given a total of $44,250 dollars last year to be used in efforts to feed the hungry and support programs that lead to self-sufficiency. These organizations include:
-Sheboygan County Human Rights Association for a Vision Screener Project
-Big Brothers & Big Sister for their Lunch Buddies Program
-Sheboygan County YMCA for their Grant School Lunch Program
-Fresh Meals On Wheels Of Sheboygan County for Truck Maintenance
-RCS Empowers for the 5 O’Clock Club
After the initial entrance and donation station, it is time to enjoy the show. Upon the beginning of the show, make sure to turn your car radio to the designated station given at the entrance. The lights are synced up to some wonderful holiday music! There are a wide range of lights to please everybody.
Freshman Maya Walther’s favorite part of the show is,
“the beautiful light tunnels that arch above your car.”
That part seems to be a crowd favorite, because of the intense music that is perfectly lined up with the long tunnel and vivid lights.
Junior Mackenzie Barber also enjoys the synced music with her favorite part being,
“the trees that dance along with the music playing on the radio.”
The lights and music are just one part of the show, however. What makes the show truly special are the traditions made with the family and friends that join to attend. Although the light show only lasts for minutes, the memories made can last a lifetime.
Sophomore Fernando Zamora brings the whole gang along. In one car he crams his,
“mom, sisters, aunt, and cousins” all together. That is quite the car-full!
In addition to being a regular attendee of the show, and enjoying the lights, there are also many volunteer opportunities available! They range from collecting food and money to directing traffic, and much more.
Senior Madisyn Riste has volunteered on more than one occasion. She explained that,
“One time I opened up the gate every time for people who were setting up and another time I made decorations/crafts with little kids.”
High school kids aren’t the only people allowed to volunteer! Art Teacher Mrs. Badtke helps out in any way she can. She loves to,
“make wreaths to auction off.”
The show does not stop at Evergreen Park. Across the street at the Quarry, in the Recreational Center, kids can go and tell Santa what they want for Christmas! Make sure to bundle up though, because there is almost always a line to see the popular holiday celebrity. In addition to Santa, there is also live music offered. On December 10th, the Sheboygan South High Singers performed some popular Christmas Carols.
Senior Zoe Schrameyer was part of the performance, and she enjoyed it just as much as the crowd! She explained,
“My favorite part of performing was seeing the kids watch us from Santa’s lap. It really took me back to the holiday season when I was a kid.”
Sheboygan County’s Rotary Club truly provides a treat for all with their “Making Spirits Bright” show. It does not matter whether someone volunteers at the show, gives money or cash donations, or even just piles their whole family into a minivan, the show really gets the whole community involved. Do not miss out on this Sheboygan spectacle–grab a friend or family member and swing through today!