The Conclusion of Fall Sports
The Cross Country team breaks it down before beginning their race. The breakdowns were led by Senior Zachary Kaffine.
November 3, 2016
As the first the quarter comes to a close, so have many of our fall sports. Our South High athletes have had their ups and downs this year in just about every sport, but our athletes still went out and competed hard every day. Let’s take a gander in on how every team did, starting with the volleyball team.
The Lady Redwings started the season off strong, winning their first 3 conference games. In addition to this great start in conference, the girls also did exceptionally well in the Sheboygan County Classic. They fought their way through pool play, and won in the semi finals beating Plymouth in two sets. They would fall in the finals but still took home a respectable second place, after being seeded 8th. The team would finish the year 6th in conference with a 4-5 record. Individually, Senior Neenah Primas, was second team all-conference and was fifth in the conference in assists. Fellow Senior Hayley Primas, earned honorable mention and was 8th in the conference in scoring. Sophomore Hannah Luginbill, saw this season as a good sign for the future.
“We did fairly well this year, better than in past years,” said Luginbill. “Next year if we improve on some little things we can be a great team.”
On to the next sport–let’s visit the pitch and see how the boy’s soccer team did. While the guys battled through growing pains accompanied by a new head coach, the wins and losses did not reflect how the boys played and felt about the sport. The guys could be seen playing with passion and heart throughout the year. The guys battled through a tough FRCC conference and were able to compete in every game they played in. They showed great improvement over the course of the season which helped them to come ever so close to a win late in the year.
“We started to communicate more and more as the season went on,” Junior Jeromy Fritsch said. “We were able to make the games closer and closer as the season went on.”
From the pitch we head to the trails and visit the boys and girls of the cross country team. The team had an abundance of new faces this year, making this year’s team much bigger than in years past. With new talent and old talent mixing together the teams were able to do great things. This accumulated with the boy’s taking first at the Plymouth Invitational, as well as the girls taking second at the same invite. At the conference meet, Sophomore Austin Boeldt finished 19th, enough to earn him honorable mention in the conference. Seniors Zack Kaffine and Brynn McDonough, had a great this year and enjoyed the team’s positive atmosphere.
“I think [the atmosphere] was the best it has been in a long time,” said McDonough. Kaffine added to this point saying,

“We did awesome, we kept working hard at practice and stuck with the sport.”
From the trails let us venture to the tennis courts and see how the girls team did. The girls fought hard in every match and were able to win some of these matches. While unable to win enough of them to earn meet wins, they still played well in every contest. Looking to the future, many young new faces joined this year and were able to improve the team overall. With time and practice this young team will do great things. One young member of this team was Sophomore Helen Flynn. Flynn, like many young members of the team, showed great strides in improving her game.
“There’s always room to improve,”said Flynn.“I have majorly improved my serve and made strides in most parts of my game.”
Moving from the tennis courts let’s look under the lights to check in on the boys of fall. The football team this year, as well as many other teams, looked young. With only ten seniors, the Redwings had a tough learning curve to start the season. The team fought hard in tough tests early on and found themselves down against rival North High in the first half. However, the guys found their stride in the second half and were able to walk away with a come-from-behind win. While the guys were unable to keep the momentum going in following games, they never gave up and fought hard until the last second of every play in the game. The team would finish 8th in the tough FRCC. Seniors Jacob Rice and Mason Prunick earned second team all conference honors at quarterback and receiver respectively. Rice finished fourth in passing and seventh in rushing, while Prunick would finish sixth in receiving in the conference. Sophomore Luke Wildman earned honorable mention inside linebacker, a great feat for only a Sophomore. Wildman embraced the challenge on Varsity and worked to improve as the year went on.
“At, first varsity was a challenge,” Wildman said, “but as the year went on I seemed to get the hang of things and had a great season.”
Finally, we visit the pool and check in on how the girl’s swim team has done so far in their season. The girls have shown great improvement over the course of the season thus far, with noticeable time improvements from the beginning of the year to now. The team was swam faster and faster getting ever so closer to winning a meet. One swimmer who has noticed the team’s improvement is Sophomore Savannah Ellis.
“Our team a good job in dropping their times. Every meet there were multiple personal bests!”
With sectionals coming up this Saturday, the girls look to show their improvement off and have break their personal best to earn a trip to state. Make sure you support your girls as they compete in Cedarburg at 10:30 this Saturday.