The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer…
August 4, 2016
Bells ringing, people singing, cold winds blowing (when it’s not 45 degrees and rainy) fireplaces glowing, snowy weather (yet again not happening), and people celebrating together. All of these are some of the true signs of the holidays. Yet, amongst all this cheer there is still lots of anxiety at Christmas, and one can lose his/herself in the materialistic Christmas scene, and forget the joyous spirit the holidays truly can bring. One of the surefire ways to help avoid all this commercialism is singing. As proven by Buddy the Elf in the film Elf, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. The prime example of this in the South High community would have to obviously be the South High Singers and the choir of South High. Tonight, at 7 p.m. the choir will host their own Christmas concert here at Sheboygan South. If one wants to enjoy some holiday music and support South High, it would be a good idea to attend this joy-filled experience. Although they practice and sing at different venues all year round, the holiday season is the busiest time of year for these singing students. Reacting to the business of the holidays, Junior Lauren Edson expressed, “It is fun going around and singing Christmas music for schools and nursing homes.” Not only have these singers performed at public venues, but elementary schools as well. Schools all around town get to experience the holiday joy in not only leaving class but watching these well voiced adolescents sing numbers such as, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”, “Baby it’s Cold Outside”, and “Winter Wonderland”. Through this business, the singers are committing themselves to the Christmas cheer of people, whether kids or random strangers at Blue Harbor.

Even when asked about Christmas cheer, Junior Zoe Schrameyer elaborated, “It is nice to sing Christmas songs because they don’t usually get to see their families for Christmas, so when we sing, we sort of had a little holiday with them.” Making spirits bright, no matter how young or old, the spread of joy can be felt throughout every generation. In this way, singing is seen as sort of a catalyst to joy. It is even scientifically proven singing can make you happier. When singing, endorphins are released which are hormones that increase the joy felt. Also, when singing one must focus on the activity, causing stressors to be temporarily forgotten. Yet, the greatest source of happiness is not scientific, for it is through the comradery of singing. Yes, if one is singing in a choir or group like the South High Singers, sharing the experience with others is the main cause for joy. Proving that singing with others is the true sign of love and friendship, may it be a sign to all to take the blinders off, and instead of buying gifts for the result of holiday cheer, sing loud for all to hear this Christmas.
Story & Photo by: Zachary Kaffine